Below is a dish which was created by renowned Chef Jet & his staff
I have talked about recipe creations and touched upon menus. Again, creativity plays an integral part in setting up a variety of food items and a set menu is a key component. However, in today's market it is imperative to keep things interesting. So introducing new food items onto your set menu will keep your customers guessing. Also, social networking sites such as, Twitter or Facebook are important marketing tools in this technological era. Furthermore, writing a periodic blog or displaying a short video are ways to introduce yourself and your venue. In this new age of instant information reaching out has to be done more swiftly than it has ever been done in the recent past to maintain interest. We have found in the educational sector that providing an intranet site, has been a valuable tool. We are constantly receiving feedback on related newsworthy issues on health and nutrition. Particualry for the students, it is vitally important for them to be in the "know", on matters such as, the latest on food allergies. Futhermore, to keep up with their busy lifestyles, we are receiving many requests for " healthy food choices, on the go" . We find their subject matter to be a priority and we appreciate and welcome the students' participation to provide to us with feedback and suggestions as we continue to work on improving our current methods. Furthermore, today's students either connect by texting, twittering, blogging or uploading their favorites sites simply by using their Blackberry or Smart-Phone. So it is not uncommon for us to receive direct responses or instant messaging! We work tirelessly, on offering a variety of food choices and in the process we continue to develop new and interesting concepts to keep them coming back for more! Finally, with the rise of Latino, Asian, and Indian influence there are new and exciting foods entering mainstream campus dining halls all across the nation. Soon, a "Samosa with Curried Potatoes and Chick Peas" might be considered the next fast food craze!Times are a changing, and with the help of high tech innovation, we rev up on our culinary creations!
Enclosed are pics from a seminar I attended at UMASS Amherst where I met Chef Jet Tila from the Wazuzu at the Encore Las Vegas and other renowned chefs and their staff that cooked their famous dishes and offered their valuable insights and suggestions. This was a great experience and there was a lot of "Creative Culinary Brainstorming" going on at this event. It was a privilege to attend this one day workshop. I came away with new and exciting techniques, that can be applied for recipe and menu creations.
Later on in the week, I will label all these dishes that are displayed on this blog.
Signing off for now!
Best Regards,
Chef SamBFD
Feel free to email @ with any questions.
PS: My next blog will be on what is new in the industry.
Great Chef and nice guy..your rock Chef Jet! VIVA LAS VEGAS!